Ultimate Experience (21-23) | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Ultimate Experience (21-23)

Get ready for the perfect experience for upperclassmen & recent grads. This Birthright Israel adventure for 21-23 year olds is the ideal trip for you!

Explore Israel with Israelis as you connect with the sites, sounds, people, culture, & vibes.

Travel with Israelis for the entire time & see all the greatest hits - from Masada & the Dead Sea to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the markets, & more. 

Leaving From:
NYC Area

Why This is the Shorashim Trip for you

"Going to Israel on #Birthright was the best experience of my entire life. I am truly changed by the friendship I gained from the Israelis on our trip. I would URGE anyone & everyone who can to go with #Shorashim."

Shayna S.

Upcoming Dates

This trip is not running in this round, but start your application to get on the list for future trips.