Celebrating Shabbat in Israel
It's hard to take in and appreciate all that has happened these last 6 days, as they have been so action packed and full of exciting events.
Celebrating Shabbat right here in the land of Israel was something I always imagined but can't believe finally came true. On this day of rest I took time to reflect on what I am grateful for because I found that these last 6 days, I have truly been the happiest I have ever been in my life.
I am grateful for my family. My parents, who are both from here, are extremely proud and fulfilled that I made it to Israel and have fallen in love with this place. I am grateful for my friends who pick me up whenever I'm down, always make me laugh, and are always there for me. And today, I am specifically grateful for this opportunity that is Birthright Israel with Shorashim. I am grateful for our trip leaders and Dan's beautiful voice. And I am grateful for each and every one of you that I have met. This has been a wild experience; I've learned about a gay Israeli who is in the IDF and dealt with coming out to a homophobic best friend. I have learned about Gavriel's religious beliefs; I have also had experiences like kayaking down the Jordan river and going to Independence Hall.
I am grateful for Israel. I am grateful for being Jewish. And I am soon going to be grateful for the empty wallet I have back in Boston due to the beautiful experience it has been and all of the souvenirs and food I bought while experiencing this amazing trip.