Day Seven
Day seven of trip started with an excursion into the Negev near Ben Gurions memorial site to which the whole group spent nearly two hours enjoying a challenging and scenic hike.
Ein Ovdat was the name of the hiking trail to which the group enjoyed stories of the rain fall in the region as well as a hike up valleys and canyons; streams and peaks.
We enjoyed some ice cream after followed by a short drive to The Salad Trail or in Hebrew – Shvil Hasalat, but not before the entire bus stopped to eat local shawarma and falafel. The schwarma happened to be the groups favorite by far on the trip.
After eating and learning about Israeli agriculture, we tasted samples at the salad trail of tomatoes, oranges, strawberries and carrots.
Through a long drive of traffic and Jerusalem sights, we arrived at our hotel to meet other birthright groups, and eat dinner. Before arriving in Jerusalem, we stopped at a calaniyot field to see the beautiful flowers that we were fortunate enough to take pictures of and see as they only bloom in February.
Overall, its been one of the best days of the trip.