An Exciting Day of Travel!
On December 20 (Day 1) our wonderful group of 41 students joined us at the Miami International Airport to begin our 10 day journey to the Jewish homeland.
After a long and uneventful day of travel, arriving in Israel was surreal and brought some of us who had never been to Israel near to tears. We walked out of the terminal and into the arms of our fellow Israeli participants and staff, who were singing and dancing in celebration of our arrival. Our 41 quickly became 48!
On our drive up north, we enjoyed many a fun and unique introductions and tonight we find our selves in Kibbutz Moran. Dinner was amazing, partially because it was our first meal in over 24 hours not eaten out of tin foil at 30,000 feet.
After saying "Lila Tov" to our group, they are now catching up on their sleep for our adventures tomorrow will bring us!
Shalom from Israel!