Gilabun waterfall
What did you do today?
Today we hiked to the Gilabun Waterfall and kayaked the Jordan River. It was awesome!
What was your favorite part of the day and why?
The hike to the waterfall was my favorite part. I have always been an outdoorsy person and a sucker for a good view, but this hike down was different. There were so many canopies full of more flowers than I had ever seen at once protecting streams beneath that were so captivatingly beautiful, it was hard to keep moving at times; all I wanted to do was stare and stare and stare. The water beneath the waterfall felt icy cold, but it's hard to think of a more blissful moment I've felt than floating underneath that waterfall, hearing only my breath and the sound of pouring water. I was with a group of people who took their time getting to the waterfall, but although we may have held up the group a bit, it was worth it. I have never shared more laughs or felt so inexplicably happy.
What's something new that you learned or something that you tried for the first time?
I had never been rafting before (although in Israel they call rafting kayaking). It was more of a lazy river, but it was a really cool experience, and everyone had playful competition to reach the finish line first.
What was the best thing you ate today and where did you get it?
Some type of Israeli cake that our Kibbutz served for breakfast. It was delicious!
What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Tel Aviv!!!
Photo Credits: Image 5-@noamimberman, All Other Images-Rebecca Schwab
Video from Rebecca Schwab: Ashley and Nick reenacting Titanic on the hike