Golan Heights, Hiking, and Rafting - Oh My!
After everyone ate their fair share of knockoff Israeli Cocoa Puffs we headed out on our way to the Golan Heights. Everyone fully prepped with their liter and a half of water, sunscreen from head to toe, and backpacks we were hoping were not to heavy we started our hike down the mountains of the Golan Heights.
We learned that the mountain's rocks were made from volcanic explosions years before making them brittle and black. We also learned that Israel is quite hot, and hiking is super tiring, but it was all worth it. Beautiful scenery everywhere.
Trees with pink flowers growing on them, views that extended farther than Drake's, and a waterfall as the cherry on top. We were able to swim around in the water fall and I'm sure the pictures will be uploaded to Facebook soon.
After the hike, we went to an oil factory where they let us demo their skin products. We quickly learned that oil will make your hands softer than a baby's bottom.
We soon got lunch where many people tried their first shawarma. Delicious.
Not done yet, we then continued on our way to a river where we were set to go rafting. The river we rafted down was awesome. Beautiful setting, lots of people, and if you had it in you, you could even jump off trees into the river.
Despite it being a long day, it was easily one of the best we've ever had. Can't wait for what Israel has in store for us tomorrow!