Golan Heights & the Jordan River
Our second day started with beautiful sun. Today we hiked the Golan Heights: a long, sometimes challenging, yet stunning and totally worth it time. As a group, we traveled through the Golan Heights, cheering each other on throughout the hike, and found ourselves in a gorgeous waterfall. There are certain things in life that when you finally reach the pot at the end of the rainbow, you know the journey was worth it, and this was one of those things. Words just can't truly describe the waterfall and my attempts to describe it will not do it justice, but I felt so lucky watching my new and old friends dive in to escape the heat of our hike and refresh in one of nature's amazing gifts.
After our hike, we boarded the bus and after a quick stop at the Lookout over the Syrian boarder, we traveled to the Jordan river where we went rafting! I haven't felt that young and free in a while. We all boarded rafts and enjoyed each others company. The activity turned out to be quite playful as we drifted down the river. It was honestly a perfect afternoon as we felt the sun cooling down, sharing stories and laughs with each other - no distractions, no phones!
Right now we are all getting together to have a campfire after eating a delicious dinner on the last night at our Kibbutz. Can't wait for Tel Aviv tomorrow!