Immersed in the Culture of Tel Aviv
We began the day by traveling to Tel Aviv from the Golan Heights. We stopped at Cesarea which is a very famous concert venue that performers in Israel dream to perform at. We learned to salsa dance on the stage together. Although not all of us were very good at it we tried our hardest and it was really fun!
From Cesarea we continued our way to Tel Aviv and made our first stop at the Shuk ha'Carmel which translates to "market" in English. Everyone walked around and interacted with the colorful, loud, vendors while shopping for food and gifts. From the Shuk we continued our way around Tel Aviv and went on an art tour where we learned about the deeper meaning behind the graftti tags around the city. It was so cool! We learned that this grafitti is a way for people in Tel Aviv to express their feelings about what is happening in their society. It really helped us understand the culture in a fun and different way.
From the tour we made our way to Rabin Square to learn about the life and legacy of the former Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. We participated in an activity that had us walking around the square asking questions to people from all different backgrounds about their thoughts on Yitzhak Rabin and what they remembered from that day. It was interesting to get different opinions from both young and old men and women. Specifically, my group spoke with an older woman who was in the square they day Rabin was assassinated. To hear her explain the emotions of that day was heart breaking, but also gave us a better understanding of what the country was going through at that time.
From there we went to the Independence Museum where we learned about the day that David Ben Gurion declared the independence of Israel and the challenges the country faced after that. From there, we made our way to our home for the night, ate dinner, and enjoyed a night out together in the city. All together this experience has been incredibly rewarding whether we are traveling to Tel Aviv by bus or hiking our way down to a natural spring. My only wish is for the days to go by slower! We cant wait to see whats in store for tomorrow!
Photocredit: Header Image-@taylorgurian, Image 1-@shimshondavis, Image 2-@jpotesky, Image 3-@sydoff