Just the Beginning
Hello everybody!
We on Bus 5 are having a miraculous start to what I am sure will be an unforgettable trip in Israel. The participants who have never been to Israel before have been enjoying what this country has to offer, while the ones who've been here before have taken on each experience like it's their first time here. It is so cool to be experiencing Israel together like this.
Our group is filled with enthusiasm to explore and learn. This openness to new adventures has helped us learn and experience so much already, even though the trip has just begun.
Our group traveled to Tzfat today, one of the more spirirtual cities in Israel. We visited a synagogue, spoke to a Jewish Kabballah artist, and explored the artists and shops along the windy alleyways.
Next, we visited Mount Bental. Our group saw the border between Israel and Syria. Everyone was shocked on just how close the border was to where we were standing. It was truly a powerful and eye-opening experience.
We concluded the day's activities with kayaking down the Jordan river. Not only did our group bond with this fun activity, but we were able to speak with people not on our trip and meet even more people who will become a part of this experience.
Everything has been so great so far, and we know this is just the beginning.
Photo Credits: Header Image-@coryalpert, Image 1-@illegallyblonde, Image 2-@jordansalinsky