Today was our first full day in Israel and wow, what a full day it was!! We began bright and early with breakfast at 7:30am, a time that most of us students didn't even know existed! We started off with a gorgeous drive North into the Golan Heights. The landscapes were unbelievable and couldn't be more different than what we're used to in Florida. Then came a little surprise as what was supposed to be a brisk/casual hike through Golan Heights, turned into a breath taking 3 1/2 hour trek through the volcanic rocks and mud!
The next stop involved something we can all relate to: Food. This wasn't our standard lunch. Instead we enjoyed delicious Israeli dishes such as falafel and schwarma. For many of us, the was the first time having these classic meals, and there were nothing but smiles when we finished up!
We then took many long and curvy roads up to Mt. Bental. This historic site allowed us to look over the boarder into Syria, where we talked about all the political and violent conflict going on. We also learned that when a wounded person, ally or enemy, came to Israel's boarder, Israel would take them in and treat them like one of their own. Seeing this unique side of Israel was an eye opening introduction to the reality that Israelis have been dealing with ever since the creation of the State and we are excited to learn more!
Our last visit of the day was to a Druze village. Here we were welcomed into a community house for women to go to knit and socialize. Three traditionally dressed Druze women greeted us with tea and cake before telling us about their religion, specifically a woman's role in a Druze home. We knew that Israel was home to Christian and Muslim holy sites but It was fascinating to learn how the Jewish homeland also plays host to so many other less well known religions.
The last activity of the night was our daily wrap up session on today's activities, allowing everyone to share their experiences and feelings on what we did and where we went around Israel. Both the American and Israeli staff really helped us process what what have seen throughout the day and why it makes Israel so special. We're all looking forward to another exciting day tomorrow!