Masada and Dead Sea
After a night of games led by the Israeli participants and singing by the campfire, we woke up before the sun to climb Masada. We climbed up the Roman path and were able to reach the top to see the spectacular sunrise over the Judaean desert. We cheered again in a circle and did sunrise yoga on top of Masada.
Then, we explored the ancient ruins and heard stories of our ancestors. We saw the ancient cistern and synagogue from over two thousand years ago.
After climbing down the snake path and eating a well deserved breakfast, we made our way to the Dead Sea. We had a lot of fun floating and putting the mineral rich mud on our skin. We then made our way back to Jerusalem for Shabbat.
We had lunch in Machane Yehuda market and were shocked by how crowded it was! After checking in to the hotel, Bar took us to an amazing rooftop with a view of the old city and the Western Wall. There, we welcomed in Shabbat with songs and prayer before joining others at the Western Wall.
By the time we got back to the hotel to have Shabbat dinner, we were exhausted but still stayed up relaxing and chatting with each other. After this long week we really appreciated the mood of Shabbat.
Photo Credits: Header Image-@ciensler, Image 1-@mollytarnopol, Image 2-@yael_greenberg_, Image 3-@nasirahrah3, IMage 4-@laurahierst