once in a lifetime unbelievable experience
Yesterday was truly a once in a lifetime unbelievable experience. Our hike in the Zavitan was strenous yet breathtaking and the swimming hole at the end made it all worth it.
Our next stop at the Israeli-Syrian border was even more unforgettable. It was surreal to be looking out over the border towards a country so ridden with war and tragedy. Standing in the warm sun, feeling the delicious breeze and gazing at lush green Israeli farmland lining the borders, it's hard to imagine all of the suffering going on so close by. I'm proud of Israel for offering humanitarian and medical aid to Syrian neighbors in need. That's the Judaism I know.
Next, we went rafting - or floating - down part of the Jordan river. To make sure we weren't having too peaceful of a time, Israeli teenage boys made sure to splash us until we were sufficiently soaked :) Just goes to prove that boys will be boys no matter their nationality.
The ultimate treat came at the end of the day when we were surprised with a trip to Yael's house - one of the Israeli soldiers accompanying us on the trip. Her parents presented us with overflowing trays of fresh fruit and cold drinks and we got to see how her family lives. Can't get more authetic than that!
After all of yesterday's discoveries, I have high expectaions for Tel Aviv, but from what I've heard, I think it will deliver!
Photo Credits: Header Image-@ladyhuman_, Image 1-@alexa902, Image 2-@chetberman, Image 3-@alexa902, Image 4-@karinakrasnaya, Image 5-@ninagail22, Image 6-@thefilteredlife, Image 7-@aekates, Image 8-@karinakrasnaya