Shabbat Bus 854
After the well deserved time to sleep in, we were able to relax at the hotel before Shabbat services.
We had a very special service in the hotel where five participants celebrated their B'nei Mitzvah and one participant had a Hebrew naming.
They shared their personal connection to the Torah portion and we all celebrated with them by throwing candy at them.
We then sang songs and felt the Shabbat spirit before going to lunch.
We relaxed, hung out in the lobby, and went to the rooftop pool. It felt great to take some time for ourselves after an exhausting, yet exciting trip.
Later in the afternoon we learned more about the Israeli Palestinian conflict and then discussed our own Jewish identity. The conversations were intriguing and it was eye opening to hear other participants' perspectives. It's interesting to see how people in Israel, in such a tiny country, completely disagree. We're excited now for our night out!