So Far, So Tov!
Hello Friends and Family!
This blog is to keep you updated with what the group has been doing around the beautiful country of Israel and will entail details such as sights, sounds and all of the other great events. We have been having so much fun right off the bat that we are a few days behind on the blog, so our social media committee is going to fill you in on what we've been doing up to this point.
After meeting everyone at JFK International, we braved the 11 hour flight and made new friends quickly. We finally made it to Ben-Guiron Airport and were greeted by our Israeli tour eductor, Noga, and seven Israelis that are joining our group for the entire 10 day experience!
We started the day off with an opening ceremony at the park in Tel Aviv and the trip was off to a great start. We stayed at the Ruth Daniel hotel for a few days and while in Tel Aviv, we had some delicious shawarma, went sight seeing around Old Jaffa, and spent some time swimming in the Mediterranean. We were also able to have some group discussion time at the hotel and got into conversation groups regarding Jewish Identity and our connection to the religion that brought us all on this amazing trip.
To wrap up the past few days, we spent some time on Rothschild street and got to experience the night life of Tel Aviv and now we are currently en route to The Sea Of Galilee and Northern Israel!
Check back soon for more updates!
Photo credits: 1-@lazytaurus I 2-@_lwall I 3 -Jeremy Kichavan I 4 -