Tel Aviv
What did you do today?
Yesterday we went to Rabin Square in Tel Aviv and learned about the life and death of Yitzchak Rabin. We did an activity where we walked up to strangers and asked them questions about Yitzchak Rabin. Then we walked over to Independence Hall and sat in the same room in which Israel became the Jewish state that we know today. After a long and fascinating day, we got to check out the evening scene in Tel Aviv and had a lot of fun bonding as a group and meeting some locals!
What was your favorite part of the day and why?
I really enjoyed the night life in Tel Aviv. It was a different cultural experience for us as it was exciting to do this with everyone. We made memories I'm sure we'll never forget.
What's something new that you learned or something that you tried for the first time?
I didn't really know about the death of Yitzkah Rabin and It was new for me to walk up to strangers and ask them questions about him. Some of the answers people said were very interesting and it was exciting
What was the best thing you ate today and where did you get it?
The best thing I ate today was McDonalds in Akko. The big America is always a classic and it was interesting to eat this American staple across the world!
What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Looking forward to the beach and getting back to Jerusalem
Photo Credits: Image 1 and Image 6-@artsyschwaby, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, and Header Image-Rebecca Schwab