Tel Aviv Day
Today was called Tel Aviv day. We started out the day by going to Mount Herzl, which is surrounded by the cemetery for the IDF. Mount Herzl is beautiful both aesthetically and spiritually. The grounds are covered in trees and flowers, and the stories of those buried there are touching. We heard some famous stories, as well as some personal stories from the Israelis who are traveling with us.
After Mount Herzl, we had lunch and went to a pub in Tel Aviv where we met with a famous Israeli fashion designer. She is very innovative because she is one of the first designers to have printed clothing from a 3D printer. So cool!
Next, we saw a great music group and got to sing, dance, and make beats together. Everyone was laughing and jumping around while making beats and whatnot. It was so fun.
After that, we headed to the beach in Tel Aviv (which kind of reminded me of Venice Beach in LA) and there were many activities to choose from. My friends and I did Zumba, which was great and is one of my favorite sports.
Then, we went to dinner at a tapas restaurant and saw a concert. There were a lot of other Taglit students at the event, and they had information about study abroad programs and other opportunities to return to Israel. After the concert, our group was all running around, laughing and joking and I think it has been the perfect last night. Birthright has truly been an amazing experience. Even though it has been some of the busiest ten days of my life, I have laughed, cried, and learned so much.
Photo Credit: @rachel_andco