Tel Aviv Recap
Yesterday we had an amazing time exploring Tel Aviv and getting a taste of Israeli culture. Growing up outside of New York City, it was interesting to see the siliarities and differences in a city on opposite sides of the world.
We started off in Rabin Square and learned of the assisnation of Yitzchak Rabin, the former Primer Minister of Israel. We had the opportunity to speak with local Israelis on the effect this event had on their lives and the state of the country. It is amazing how politics are politics no matter where you are in the world.
When speaking with locals, our group had a moving experience. We met a Holocaust survivor who was in the square when Rabin was assisnaed. He told us stories of the Holocaust. We even saw his arm, which had a tattoo of the number assigned to him while in a concentration camp. He had a wealth of knowledge and history and we were so lucky to have gotten to speak to someone whose life exemplified the struggles the Jews have faced and the impact these events had on the Israeli people. LPP
After we explored the city during lunch, we went to Independence Hall. After learning the hisory of how Israel became an independent country we got to sit in the exact room where the ceremony that declared it's independence was held. It is empowering to know that the State of Israel came to be with the threat of an attack from five armies, yet it still persists today.
Next we got to spend some time on the beautiful Tel Aviv beach. The soft, white sand and the picturesque Mediteranean sea laid the perfect scene to relax and reflect on all the experiences we have had and all those still to come.
After dinner we broke into groups to prepare for Yad Vashem, a Holocaust museum. We all sat in a circle and talked about our experiences learning about the Holocaust. It was both an emotional and powerful experience and I am so excited to visit the museum.
We ended the day with a night out in Tel aviv. We explored and laughed together as we took in this foreign and beautiful city!
Photo Credits: Image 4 and Image 5-@alexa902, IMage 6-@ciensler