Tzvat and more
What did you do today?
We had a busy, learning-filled day with our trip to the holy city of Tzfat, the youth village: Yamin Orde, and then finally arriving in Jerusalem. In Tzvat we had the privilege of visiting one of the oldest Sefardi synagogues in the area, hearing traditional musicians sing and play Jewish music created in Tzfat, and exploring the city's art (aka going shopping and attempting to haggle). In the youth village, we had the opportunity to talk to Rachaeli, an Ethiopian Jewish immigrant who works in the youth village. Finally, we arrived in Jerusalem, where we saw a gorgeous view of the old city at sunset.
What was your favorite part of the day and why?
Speaking with Raecheli and hearing her story. This discussion helped us appreciate how important Israel is to so many different people and helped us to view Israel in a way that is separate from the conflicting politics that often dominate the conversation.
What's something new that you learned or something that you tried for the first time?
We learned the differences in the layout between Ashkenazi and Sefardi synagogues and therefore, how to distinguish between the two. That was really interesting! The altar of Sefardi synagogues is located in the center of the sanctuary, whereas in Ashkenazi synagogues, it is located in the front.
What was the best thing you ate today and where did you get it?
We had delicious frozen yogurt made from fresh fruit!
What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
We are looking forward to visiting the kotel and experiencing our first Shabbat in Israel!