A View of the North
While staying in the Galilee, in the north of Israel, we saw Mount Bental and learned about the Golan's significance. Our tour guide gave us a summary of the area's history and encouraged us to conduct our own research as well so that we could form our own opinions. We talked a little about the Syrian refugee crisis and learned that Israel has a policy of treating any refugees in need of medical attention. I really admired the policy since it could be hard to know whether or not the person has ill intentions. Seeing how close the border was and the U.N.'s outlook area reinforced to me the issue's relevance. I found the view amazing and wished that one day we could all get along.
Rebekah Barlas & Mitchell Mail wrote a bus song to the tune of Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA:
I hopped off the plane in Tel Aviv
With the group from bus 16
Welcome to the land of holiness,
Am I gonna fit in?
Jumped in the bus
here for the first time
Look to the right and I see the golan heights sign.
This is all so crazy, everybody seems so jewish.
My tummys hurting cause I'm eating too much hummus.
Too much jet lag and I'm tired.
Thats when naamaa yells mis parey barzel, and the count off time is on.
And the count off time is on.
I throw my hands up, I yell my number.
And bus 16 drives away...
We're hiking the hills like yeah,
Learning kabbalah like yeah
I got my hands up,
We're doing shabat,
I know I'm gonna sleep all day
Yeah, it's a party in shorashim,
Yeah, it's a party in shorashim.