Views, Kabbalah, and Shopportunities
After an evening of talent shows, rock paper scissors, and a bar in a bomb shelter, the second full day of our Birthright adventure here on Bus 16 began with Shorashimies enjoying a hearty breakfast at Kibbutz Afik. After successfully not falling asleep in our eggs, we all piled into the bus and headed for the Sea of Galilee.
On top of Mount Arbel we all sang a nigun and learned some sign language from our resident ASL expert, Rachel Greenberg. Our hike down the mountain was challenging, but beautiful, with views of the Sea of Galilee and a Bedouin village.
In the holy city of Tzvat we learned about the history of kabbalah and saw a tiny synagogue built by the rabbis who first practiced it. Then we walked through the old city to Avraham Lowenthal'sart studio. He talked to us about how he became interested in kabbalah and how it inspires his work. His paintings incorporate bright colors, geometric shapes, sound waves, and Hebrew letters.
As the sun set, we quickly scurried through the alleyways to the galleries full of art and jewelry made by local artists. Then with glasses of fresh pomegranate juice and apple cider in hand, we hopped on the bus, and headed back to Kibbutz Afik.