The Mega Event | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

The Mega Event

Last night we went to the largest gathering of young adult Jews from all over the world, currently exploring the gift of Taglit, the gift of Birthright. We gathered together in Jerusalem at an amphitheater and together we cheered, danced and sang songs. There was SWAG, lights, balloons, and excitement all around. And then... Netanyahu came out to speak to the audience. The Prime Minister of Israel! He came to remind us that we should not only be proud to declare "I am a Jew" or "Je suis juif," but to also remind us in Israel every Jew CAN proudly say Je Suis Juif. We stood for Yoav Hattab, a very recent birthright alum who was murdered in France last week. Thousands of young Jews stood in solidarity to remember a young man who was proud to say I am a Jew and who fell in love with Israel on his trip.

After his speech, the party, dancing and music continued. Some famous Israeli musicians were there. It was incredible to be part of this event. It was fun, exciting and helped put the concept of Taglit into perspective. Our trip is from Chicago, but there are also groups from other parts of America, Canada, Chile, France and so much more.