Just landed and hit the ground running
So far, so good on our Israel adventure!
It is difficult to deny that we are all exhausted but with so much happening already no one wants to rest. The flight was as easy as possible, no layovers and a straight shot to Ben Gurion. Two koshers meals, a snack, and lots of water held us over.
From a cultural standpoint the flight was really neat, where else do you get to see people in full/traditional prayer garb praying at 37,000 feet? We also got to to see a another El Al flight flying in formation with us, pretty neat!
Once we landed and made our way through customs, we were loudly greeted by our singing-balloon wielding Israeli counterparts. A quick and attention grabbing chant and dance broke the ice and kind of opened the floodgates to conversations which everyone is now engaged in.
We met our awesome tour guide, Elaun, medic/security guard, Igor, and bus driver, Rami, who are already teaching us our fun words of the day and doing whatever they can to keep us happy. We are currently driving somewhere in the northeast towards our Kibbutz for some evening activities and dinner.
We would all like to thank Shoshana, Shorashim, Birthright, and everyone else who has made this trip possible for their efforts. With everything going so well from day one we can't wait to see what the rest of our trip will have in store for us!!