Tel Aviv Bliss
We slept in Tel Aviv last night!
The group went out in the city and I had a great time.
This morning, we got up at 8am (a late wake up compared to every other morning on Birthright.)
We went to Independence Hall first. I was inspired by the story of how Israel was founded. I then got to see the spot where Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. I never realized how influential Rabin was in the war of independence and the role he played during the siege of Jerusalem. He was such an important Israeli General and politician. We interviewed older men and women around the square and I began to realize just how pivotal his assassination was in Israel.
After that. we had free time and went to the market, called Shuk Carmel, in the heart of the city. I was sitting on a bench and met a woman from Austrailia with whom I had a very nice conversaton. Her husband was Israeli she told me all about him.
Tonight, we are going to the bedouin tents which I am very excited for. I cannot wait to ride a camel.