Exploring our Cultural and Compassionate Sides
Today we were fortunate enough to spread a majority of our day in the holy city, Tzfat, where we could literally see the history and feel the deep cultural roots within the city. We were able to sit in a 400 year old synagogue and recite both L'cha Dodi and the Shema together as a group. We then went to listen to Avraham Lowenthal, an artist that lives in Tzfat who moved from the United States in his 20s to learn more about his Jewish history and the Kabbalah. He told us his spiritual journey and how he uses art to express his Judaism. We followed this by enjoying a nice meal in the city and having time to enjoy the mountainous views and shop around the Shuk.
When our time in Tzfat ended, we drove to Holon to visit the Children's Museum where we participated in a program called an "Invitation to Silence". This activity allowed us to experience what life is like for someone who is deaf. We ventured through the museum with noise cancelling headphones and learned how to communicate with our hands, body language, and facial expressions. It allowed us to connect with each other without verbal communication and experience the challenges someone who is deaf faces in a hearing community. We learned about the triumphs and challenges of Israel as such a young country in dealing with handicapped citizens.
We ended our night with a fantastic night out to Tel Aviv, where we experienced the vibrant nightlife and had a chance to relax after such a busy day! Next stop: Jerusalem!