Changing Cities, Changing Lives
Waking up in Tel Aviv, it felt like almost any other day in a major city in the United States. Although it was fun getting to know my fellow travel partners, we knew our first real emotional and spiritual challenge was to come today. We set out after some food and regrouping but on the way we made a stop that started the day off in the exact mood we all needed. Stopping off just outside of Tel Aviv we were humbled and gracious to be invited in to the office of a local nonprofit specializing in helping those suffering with mental health issues adapt and rehabilitate. We spent the afternoon making soaps and tea boxes with them and got to take a look at their rooftop garden that they use in their therapy treatment. Just before leaving we were honored to hear from a patient of the organization who explained how this organization changed her life for the better in ways she can’t describe. I didn’t quite understand how she was unable to describe something so impactful until later that evening when we head into Jerusalem.
After some fantastic views and sightseeing at the Old City, we finally made it. Our group, just shy of 50 made our way down the ancient steps and were met with our greatest destination, the Western Wall. I can’t speak to everyone’s’ experience but for me I will never and cannot look at my heritage and my religion the same way every again. The moving emotions in my heart, my mind and in my soul are too great to deny. I don’t plan on becoming a Rabbi nor do I know what the next steps of my Jewish practice will be but I do know that I am changed. My “take for granted” attitude towards my faith, friends, family and my good fortune in general has changed to an understanding of my needs and the needs of others. Just like the city of Tel Aviv and our comfort zone washed away and transformed into Jerusalem and a spiritual eye opening, so did my complacency and privilege towards my faith. Thank you Shorashim and my traveling partners for being a part of my greatest achievement, restoring faith in my faith.