Yesterday, Shabbat, we had an optional breakfast, giving our group the chance to catch up on some sleep from the busy travel day. To fully participate in Shabbat, I made sure to rest up more than I usually do and slept in extra late. At 11:00am we paired up and talked to our partners about a story that we would later have to tell as if it were our own. I ended up telling 4 stories - I lost track of time!
We later had a delicious lunch. Osnat, our tour guide, took us on our first optional event, which was the Shabbat walk, and talked about the meaning of the Shabbat walk and our views on certain religious topics. It was amazing to see a majority of our mishpacha (family) there even though it was not required to go - #thepassionisreal.
In our next group activity, we read an article and discussed our own Jewish identity and experiences from our homes and schools. We then had another break and afterwards, split into groups of 7 for a reflection on everything we had done so far, as well as everyone's expectations or hopes for the rest of the trip.
We had Havdala shortly after and I was getting excited about the prospect of our next delicious meal. To end the night, I had a scrumptious sushi dinner with a smaller group, where we were able to hang out and relax!