Fun In The North!
Today, we woke up early for a busy, busy day. We had to pack our backpacks full of multiple outfits and bathing suits for our adventures.
After breakfast, we drove to the Ravitan for a challenging, six mile hike. We climbed over rocks, puddles, and more as we enjoyed the beautiful scenery around us, including everything from waterfalls to 6th century structures. We also enjoyed a nice swim in a watering hole about 2/3 of the way through the hike.
After the hike, we went to lunch at a shopping center near our kibbutz. For many of us, this was our first chance to order a falafel or shawarma in Israel.
After lunch, we drove along the Jordan river until we came to a kayak place. We broke into groups of 6 and loaded into inflatable rafts. Many of the guys paddled the boats while us girls got to enjoy the view. More importantly, we got our first taste of Israeli culture while floating down the Jordan River. We found out that techno and dance music are very popular here, and many Israeli's own dogs, especially pit bulls. They tend to be very friendly and outgoing, and many heard us singing along the way and joined in for a great time.
After the kayaking trip, we drove back to the guest house at Kibbutz Afik and took showers to prepare for dinner. We enjoyed a nice dinner and then went to our evening activity, which included some fun ice breakers. All in all, it was a great day and another opportunity to get to know the other participants on the trip.