Our First Day
For me, the Birthright Israel experience almost didn't happen, but already, I am so happy that I am here.
After 14 hours of flying, we first arrived in the Holy land.
Once we collected our luggage from the baggage claim, we hopped on a bus (which would be our "home" for the next ten days) and drove out past Tel Aviv.
We kept busy the entire day by jumping from activity to activity. It was so exciting!
We arrived at Mearat Keshet. The way we went through this site was absolutely beautiful. The man made bridge that resembles a Rainbow was stunning and so amazing to walk through as one of our first activities in Israel.
The walk through Mearat Keshet led us to a group of people rappelling off of this marvel of nature. That was very cool to see as well!
After we finished the hike, we headed to the hotel at which we would be staying that evening. Once we arrived at the hotel, we had a huge group dinner. It was delicious and a fun experience to eat all together as a new community.
After dinner we completed a few group exercises to get to know each other a little better. It was really fun and entertaining.
Tomorrow the group will set off on a kayak day trip and I could not be more excited!
Photo Credits: Header Image and Image 2 and Image 3-Josh Skolnik, Image 1-@gingerkaze