A View from the Sea
It was an early morning exodus from the kibbutz in order to get through the itinerary for today. :)
We drove up to the top of Mt. Arbel, part of the galilee mountains, on the side of the Golan heights. From the top of the mountain we were able to see gorgeous views of the Sea of Galilee, in addition to various settlements including a Jewish settlement, a Druze settlement, and a Bedouin settlement. We learned that Jews are a minority in the Galilee.
We then hiked down and around the mountain along rocky cliffs. We found caves, cow poo, and ruins from MANY years ago. We drove down the mountain to the city of Tsfat where we ate lunch and then saw the smallest alley in the World and an old Ashkenazic temple.
In the temple, there is a bullet hole where a bullet went through the bimah but it missed the people on the other side because they were bowing as part of the Amidah prayers. We saw some beautiful artwork on the way out of the old city.
From there, we drove to Tel Aviv and spent time on the beach before enjoying a night out in the city.
Photo Credit: @ctrivelpiece