Bonding Experiences
Today we woke up in Jerusalem and drove to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum. The museum was beautiful and so was the view from the museum grounds.
Walking through the museum and listening to the guide was a somewhat surreal and intense experience. The museum was a huge pyramid-like structure filled with what seemed like endless exhibits portraying the vile and evil acts of the Nazis towards the Jews.
The feelings that were brought up from this visit at the Memorial were very powerful. Although some of the emotions felt at the Museum were strong, I feel that it brought a new level of conviviality and togetherness for our group.
After we left the museum we traveled directly to Tel Aviv. Once we arrived in Tel Aviv we were dropped off at Jerusalem beach. Beach side Tel Aviv reminded me of Miami but smaller and a lot nicer. Being on the beach with the entire group was an awesome experience.
We left the beach before sunset, went to dinner at the hotel and went out that night in the city. Today really showed me how close a group of strangers can become over certain bonding experiences.