ISRAEL DAY 2: Aaaaaand it's Gone!
We started off for breakfast at 9:30 this morning with a quick introduction of everyone in a circle. We have 50 people on this trip, so I am excited to keep learning names! Having this many people to travel around Israel with is even better than I was expecting.
Starting our day after breakfast, we hiked in the Majdal, which was a hiking path through water up to your thighs! The cool water mixed with the hot sun to make us all very comfortable as we strolled along.
After our hike, a small group of us got lunch with the two Israelis I have gotten to know so far (Ofir and Omer), as well as some new friends (Miriam, Adam and Rosita); we had hummus and pita and it was so tasty.
After a delicious lunch, we headed off to a mountain that turned out to be an active volcano!!! They also had amazing barracks and a very cool view of Syria and Israel.
Lastly the four of us from lunch Ofir, Rosita, Miriam and I went rafting. The group was great! I led the charge in the front and Ofir was paddling in the back while the ladies maxed and relaxed in the middle.
Overall, the day went by so fast! Maybe it was because of jetlag, or maybe it was because with the amount of events we did, I felt like this day was actually three days. Even so, I bonded with my roommate Ofir and many others today. Can't wait for tomorrow!
Photo Credits: Header Image-@natgllnt, Image 1-@talyavik